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Elko Elevator 6,5-8mm Spring Rope Bottle
Rope Attachment Thickness (Diameter):6,5-8mm, 10-11mm
Rope Endurance:3400 kg, 6000 kg
Warranty Period:1 Year
Elko Elevator Stand With Double Way Slip Brake - EFR7
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Stand With Double Way Slip Brake - EFR6
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Stand With Double Way Slip Brake - EFR5
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless Double Way Slip Brake - EFR7
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless Double Way Slip Brake - EFR6
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless Double Way Slip Brake - EFR5
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Stand With One Way Slip Brake - EFR7
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator Stand With One Way Slip Brake - EFR6
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator Stand With One Way Slip Brake - EFR5
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless One Way Slip Brake - EFR7
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless One Way Slip Brake - EFR6
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless One Way Slip Brake - EFR5
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator EHR01-Gearless Speed Regulator
Cabin Speed [m/s]:0,63, 0,8, 1, 1,2, 1,6, 2, 2,5
Warranty Period:1 Year
ASFED and ESASDER, has come together to lift Turkey's largest academy
Elevator Industrialists Federation (ASFED) and members of the association Eskisehir Asansörcü Association (ASSAD), which will be held in Eskisehir met on 19 September ...
 ASFED TS EN 81-28 + AC Standard Held Workshop
The Elevator Industrialists' Federation (ASFED) will enter into force in April 2020; TS EN 81-28 + AC organized a workshop on the remote alarm standard for passeng...
 DEMAS Elevator presents its new factory with a grand opening
Demas Elevator, which started the elevator industry in 1968 by providing breakdown maintenance and installation services in a small office, opened its 3rd factory with...
The world's fastest elevators are now Hitachi
Hitachi, Ltd. On October 02, 2019, the elevators delivered to Guangzhou CTF Financial Center in Guangzhou, China, received the Guinness World Records title and reached...
Within the scope of urban transformation, 300 thousand new houses will be built every year
In parallel with the contraction in the construction industry, the elevator sector, which has lost volume in the domestic market, aims to find morale with the new Urba...
New Regulation Released About Notified Bodies
New Regulation Released About Notified Bodies "Communiqué on Basic Criteria to be Based on the Appointment, Monitoring and Inspection of Notified Bodies" wa...
Asansör Sektör Raporu Açıklandı: Sektör Yaklaşık %16 Küçüldü
Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı’nın Sanayi ve Verimlilik Genel Müdürlüğü’nün her yıl analiz ederek raporladığı asansör sektör raporu açıklandı. Asansör Sektör Raporu 201...
BTSO'dan asansör sektörüne yeni test merkezi
Bursa Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası (BTSO), Asansör Güvenlik Ekipmanları ve Test ve Geliştirme Merkezi’ni açtı.
ASFED visited Hasan Büyükdede with important agenda items
ASFED ( Asansör Sanayicileri Federasyonu ), Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakan Yardımcısı Hasan Büyükdede’yi ziyaretinde asansör sektörünün “stratejik sektör” konumuna getirilm...
Fupa Elevator, became partner with private equity company Sandflower Ltd
One of the most important actors in the Turkish elevator sector, Fupa Asansör is a private equity company Sandflower S.a.r.l. on 3 September 2019 at the Radison Blu Ho...
ELA 2019 Konferansı tamamlandı
Avrupa Asansör Derneği (ELA) 2019 Konferansı, 14 Mayısta Londra’da bulunan Royal Hotel London City’de, “Dijital Dünyada Asansör ve Yürüyen Merdivenler” konu başlığında...
AYSKAD'tan başarılı öğrencilere destek
TMMOB Makina Mühendisleri Odası (MMO) İzmir Şubesi tarafından düzenlenen "Üniversitelerarası Bitirme Projeleri Sergisi ve Yarışması"nda mekatronik dalında de...
elevator.com.tr Endonezya'da üyelerini tanıttı
Endonezya Asansör ve Yürüyen Merdiven Fuarı'nda Türkiye'den tek katılımcı olarak yer alan elevator.com.tr, fuarda sahip olduğu standında üyelerini ve hizmetler...
Prolift, Turkey became the 58th fastest growing company
TEPAV cooperation under the leadership of TOBB, the applicant company of the 2015-2017 annual revenue growth of between 2 made taking into account Turkey's top 100...
ASFED'in yeni dönem yönetimi belli oldu
Asansör Sanayicileri Federasyonu (ASFED) Olağan Genel Kurul Toplantısı, 15 Haziran 2019 günü ASFED’e bağlı derneklerin delegelerinden oluşan yoğun bir katılım ile Anka...