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Elko Elevator 6,5-8mm Spring Rope Bottle
Rope Attachment Thickness (Diameter):6,5-8mm, 10-11mm
Rope Endurance:3400 kg, 6000 kg
Warranty Period:1 Year
Elko Elevator Stand With Double Way Slip Brake - EFR7
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Stand With Double Way Slip Brake - EFR6
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Stand With Double Way Slip Brake - EFR5
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless Double Way Slip Brake - EFR7
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless Double Way Slip Brake - EFR6
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless Double Way Slip Brake - EFR5
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Stand With One Way Slip Brake - EFR7
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator Stand With One Way Slip Brake - EFR6
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator Stand With One Way Slip Brake - EFR5
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless One Way Slip Brake - EFR7
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless One Way Slip Brake - EFR6
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless One Way Slip Brake - EFR5
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator EHR01-Gearless Speed Regulator
Cabin Speed [m/s]:0,63, 0,8, 1, 1,2, 1,6, 2, 2,5
Warranty Period:1 Year
Despite the curfew, manufacturers can continue their production with special permission
With the circular issued by the T. C. Ministry of Interior, a 4-day curfew was imposed across the country between April 22-26. However, in the declaration published by...
Asansör kat kapıları ne kadar güvenli?
Merhaba Sevgili Meslektaşlarım; 26 Eylül 2019 tarihinde Konya’da tartıştığı sevgilisi tarafından asansör kapısına doğru itilen genç bir kızın, asansör kuyusuna düşmes...
Maintenance staff  was exempted from curfew
T. C. According to the circular issued by the Ministry of Interior; elevator maintenance personnel were exempted from the curfew, provided that they meet the requireme...
Coronavirus increased the share of maritime transport in foreign trade
Since the emergence of the coronavirus epidemic, the share of exports by air and by land has fallen, while exports by sea have increased by 2.7 points.
$ 346 billion loss expected in global growth
The restrictions imposed worldwide due to the coronavirus outbreak cause disruptions in production. states to support the producers announced support packages, accordi...
Corona epidemic negatively affects the supply chain in the machinery industry
The results of VDMA's latest survey with 965 German companies make it clear that the Corona epidemic has negatively affected the supply chain in the machinery indu...
Contactless elevators in cooperation with EMT Elevator and Arkel
While our habits are gradually changing in elevators, which are indispensable for our daily life in the fight against Covid19, companies continue to stand out with the...
Dijital pazarlama pastası bir yılda yüzde 13 artacak
Statista verilerine göre, dünya çapındaki dijital reklam harcamaları 2020 sonunda 384 milyar dolara ulaşacak. Araştırmaya göre,2021’depazar hacminin 435 milyar dolara ...
 Elevator maintenance and inspections continue in Turkey
The Ministry of Industry and Technology stated that the elevator industry has a very important function in combating the corona virus, and asked for the maintenance an...
ISEE 2020 expo dates postponed to May 6th to 8th, 2021
Mumbai, April 8th, 2020: With the uncertainties related to the calamitous COVID – 19 pandemic that has impacted the global elevator industry, the “International Sourci...
İnşaat malzemeleri sanayi ihracatında koronavirüs salgınının etkisi sınırlı oldu
Türkiye İMSAD tarafından hazırlanan İnşaat Malzemeleri Sanayi Dış Ticaret Endeksi şubat ayı sonuçlarına göre; koronavirüs salgınının ihracat pazarlarındaki etkisi sını...
Demand for postponing the maintenance of elevators in the fight against corona
The elevator associations demanded that the maintenance of the elevators be delayed.
Considerations for coronavirus in elevator use
While investigations against the coronavirus, which affect the world and spread more and more, are continuing, experts continue to warn the virus not to infect a large...
Mesleki Sorumluluk Sigortası
Bilindiği üzere; 6 Nisan 2019 tarih ve 30737 Sayılı Resmi Gazete ile yayınlanan Asansör İşletme Ve Bakım Yönetmeliği'nin Dördüncü Bölüm “Yetkili servis ile ilgili ...
COVİT 19 ve İş Hayatına Yansımalar
Dünyanın birçok ülkesinde olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de covit 19 virüsün sözleşmelerin ifasını nasıl etkileyeceği, iş yerlerinde işçi-işveren ilişkisini nasıl etkileyeceği...