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Elko Elevator 6,5-8mm Spring Rope Bottle
Rope Attachment Thickness (Diameter):6,5-8mm, 10-11mm
Rope Endurance:3400 kg, 6000 kg
Warranty Period:1 Year
Elko Elevator Stand With Double Way Slip Brake - EFR7
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Stand With Double Way Slip Brake - EFR6
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Stand With Double Way Slip Brake - EFR5
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless Double Way Slip Brake - EFR7
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless Double Way Slip Brake - EFR6
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless Double Way Slip Brake - EFR5
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2
Brake Direction:Two Way Braking
Elko Elevator Stand With One Way Slip Brake - EFR7
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator Stand With One Way Slip Brake - EFR6
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator Stand With One Way Slip Brake - EFR5
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless One Way Slip Brake - EFR7
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless One Way Slip Brake - EFR6
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator Standless One Way Slip Brake - EFR5
Cabin Speed [m/s]:2, 2,5
Brake Direction:One Way Braking
Elko Elevator EHR01-Gearless Speed Regulator
Cabin Speed [m/s]:0,63, 0,8, 1, 1,2, 1,6, 2, 2,5
Warranty Period:1 Year
Thyssenkrupp begins countdown for Galataport Istanbul
Thyssenkrupp continues the installations of elevators and escalators at full speed in Galataport Istanbul, which will host 25 million visitors annually. Thyssenkrupp w...
Turkey is seen as the only country that will benefit from the loss of production in China
Turkey is seen as the only country that will benefit from the loss of production in China. Turkey Exporters Assembly (TIM) prepared by the Economic Research Department...
In 2018, 4 major brands received 64 percent of the market
According to the 2019-2025 Global and China Elevator Sector Report, four major brands received a 64 percent share in the world lift market in 2018.
 ASFED, “TÜRKİYE” ibaresini almaya hak kazandı
ASFED (Asansör Sanayicileri Federasyonu)’in iki yıldır üzerinde çalıştığı unvan değişikliği onaylanarak, ilgili makamlarca gerekli tüm koşulları sağladığı görülmüş ve ...
The World’s Most Unusual Elevators
Here is few unusual elevators from around the world. If you know about any other unusual elevator, please let us know so we can add them to this post.
In Ukraine, an elevator obligation was introduced for residences of 3 floors and above
In Ukraine, an elevator obligation was introduced for residences of 3 floors and above
5 Adımda finansal mühendislik uygulaması
Uzmanlar, finansal mühendisliğin bir projeye doğru finans kaynağını yaratmak için kullanılması gereken önemli bir yöntem olduğunu belirtiyor. Finansal mühendislik, fi...
RoyalCert shared Turkey's elevators data
Type A inspection body authorized by the Ministry of Industry and Technology RoyalCert, Turkey's 2019 report card on the elevator and organizations shared the 2019...
AYSKAD, TBMM Dilekçe Komisyonu Başkanı Belma Satır'ı makamında ziyaret etti
Asansör ve Yürüyen Merdiven Sanayi İş Kadınları Derneği ( AYSKAD ) Yönetim Kurulu ve üyelerinden oluşan bir ekip ile TBMM Dilekçe Komisyonu Başkanı ve AK Parti İstanbu...
Artificial intelligence elevator providing high safety in earthquake
Technology giant Mitsubishi Electric steers the industry with its high speed, comfortable, safe and high energy efficient elevators.
 Istanbul Industry Provincial Manager visited elevator companies
With the organization of All Elevator Industrialists and Business People Association (TASİAD) together with the officials of Istanbul Industry and Technology Provinci...
Participation in Asansor Istanbul 2021 is racing ahead!
The exhibition bringing together the world’s lift manufacturers at Tuyap Istanbul is now 60 percent at capacity!
Güvenli Yapılar Konusunda Tüketiciler Bilinçli Olmalı
24 Ocak Cuma günü Elazığ'ın Sivrice ilçesinde meydana gelen 6,8 büyüklüğündeki deprem ile akıllara yine “yapılarımız ne kadar güvenli?” sorusu geliyor. Uzmanlar ül...
Ministry of Commerce increases support for CNR Eurasia Lift Fair
In 2020, the Ministry of Commerce increased its support limit for CNR Eurasia Lift Fair within the scope of "Decision No. 2014/4 on Supporting Sectoral Qualified ...
ASFED Academy opened
ASFED Academy, a joint project carried out by the Federation of Elevator Industrialists (ASFED) with the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education of t...